Merged Parish of St. Joseph Church and Jesus the Lord Church
376 Maple Place, Keyport NJ
Main Tel No. (732) 264-0322
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima
Parish Ministries
Contact information is available for all Ministries through the Parish Office. New members are encouraged and invited to join.
Please call 732 264-0322 X 10 or contact for additional information.
These programs are offered throughout the year through the All Parish Catechesis Program.
Arrangements must be made with the parish office well in advance of the Baptism. Parents must attend pre-Baptismal instruction. Sponsors must obtain a note of suitability from the Pastor of the church where they are members.
This ministry is dedicated to nurturing understanding, love and solidarity between our parish and the parish of Pignon, Haiti. The program provides the kind of assistance that will empower the people of Pignon to become self-sufficient. The main focus of the ministry is the Health Clinic and School Sponsorship.
The lectors job is to make the Word of God come alive by proclaiming the scriptures to the assembly at each liturgy.
Ministers and a parochial vicar visit hospitalized and homebound parishioners distributing the Eucharist and providing spiritual and emotional comfort.
The mission of the PLC is to be an instrument of common counsel for the definition of goals, the determination of policies, and the execution of programs in all matters concerning the spiritual and temporal welfare of the community. The main goal of the PLC is to be the comfortable response network between the parishioners, ministries, and the clergy of the parish and to enable intra-parish communications.
This group gathers every once a week in the parish center to praise and worship God in song and prayer. They place before God the needs of family, friends and the parish community, seeking healing through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Monthly Mass takes place the first friday of the month at 8PM.
Provide fundraising efforts and support of the Parish events.
This ministry is open to all youths ages 13-17. Its purpose is to provide a safe place for the young adults of the parish to increase their faith formation while encouraging them to become more involved in the works of the church community.
The mission of the Altar Rosary Society is to show devotion to our Blessed Virgin Mary and incorporate the teachings of the church with projects which help those less fortunate. Their annual projects work in concert with other parish ministries to provide services to families needing assistance in St. Joseph and neighboring areas.
These ministers serve at the Liturgy regularly. Many also bring Communion to shut-ins and the sick.
Under the guidance of Sr. Marie and Sr. Pat, this group meets every other week. The readings for the following Sunday's Mass are read and discussed. This is followed by light refreshments and games or entertainment. This ministry provides an opportunity for fellowship among our adult community.
This Committee, under the guidance of the priests, seeks to prepare and enrich all aspects of the liturgy to include the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Music, Art and Environment, Hospitality, praise and service.
Under the direction of the Music Minister, The choirs perform during the liturgies at special seasonal celebrations as well as at regular weekend Mass. The choirs consist of an Adult Choir, a Children's Choir (Joyful Noise Choir) and cantors who lead the congregation in singing the Lord's word and praise.
This ministry was designed for those un-catechized youth and adults who wish to become Catholic. This ministry journeys with them and prepares them to move toward the Sacraments of Initiation and welcomes them into a caring, Catholic family community.
Provides aid for families in need of food and/or financial assistance. Activities include: Maintaining an assistance Help Line; A food pantry; Semiannual luncheons for senior citizens; Food baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas; and Adopt-a-Family Christmas program.
All children who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to become Altar Servers. Their main purpose is to assist the priests and deacons during the Liturgy.
The Finance Committee is a selected group of parishioners with special competence in financial matters and prudent judgment. It is a consultative body, which helps the Pastor and parish manager to act justly and prudently in the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. The Finance
Committee is responsible for the formation of financial policies, including the devising and regular monitoring of parish budget; formation of policies for the proper maintenance of buildings and grounds; long range financial planning; preparation of an annual financial report; and attention
to civil law pertaining to the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.
This ministry consists of volunteers who journey with a family who have lost a loved one through death. They not only assist in arrangements according to the Rite of Christian Burial, but share their time, talent and emotional support.
Arrangements must be made with the parish office well in advance of the Marriage.
The religious education ministry, along with their parents, is entrusted with the education of the children of the parish in all church teachings. This ministry consists of a coordinator and volunteers who are trained to instruct their students at each grade level with the curriculum set up by the Church. The P.R.E.P. also prepares those students who will be receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.
It is recommended that all members of the church be registered with the parish office.
Collect food located at Jesus the Lord Campus.
Assist the congregation in finding seats during the liturgies. Takes up the first and second offertory collections.