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Merged Parish of St. Joseph Church and Jesus the Lord Church
376 Maple Place, Keyport NJ
Main Tel No. (732) 264-0322
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima

St. Joseph's Church & Jesus the Lord

St. Joseph's Church

Our Lady of Fatima

St. Joseph's Church & Jesus the Lord
Let us stay connected to God, to the church and to one another!
Conectemonos con Dios, con la Iglesia y
los unos con otros!
PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Office……………..........…..732 264-0322 Fax…………………..……...732 217-1264 Cemetery…….............…….732 264-9155
St. Vincent de Paul……...732 290-1878
For Emergencies ONLY 732 910-3063
Oficina Parroquial…....…..732 264-0322 Fax…………........……..…..732 217-1264 Cementerio……………..….732 264-9155
San Vicente de Paul…........732 290-1878
Para Emergencias SOLAMENTE 732 910-3063
Sunday Masses
9:00 AM Children's Mass
10:30 AM (Live streamed)
Saturday Evening Mass 4:00 PM
at St. Joseph Church
Sunday Spanish Mass ~ 12:00 PM
at Jesus the Lord Church
Weekday Masses
Tuesday and Thursday 12 PM
at Jesus the Lord Church
at Jesus the Lord Church
6:30 PM Bi-lingual Adoration
7:00 PM Spanish Mass
at St. Joseph Church
Saturdays 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Please join us for
Soup and Bread
at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center followed by the
Stations of the Cross

Parish Office and
St. Joseph Church Campus
Jesus the Lord Campus
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